Saturday, July 5, 2014

July 5-6: On the Plane

We got to the airport at 3:00 am on July 5th, 2014. It took FOREVER to get through security, but we finally made it to our flight with just minutes to spare. It took an hour to get to Charlotte and then we had another hour of waiting. Flying is stressful! From Charlotte it took another two hours to get to Miami where we had another layover. We finally got on our flight to Rio de Janeiro at 10:00 pm. We all fell asleep because it was so late. We woke up at 6:00 am so that we could get a good look at the city before we landed. Rio is a beautiful city. One of the coolest things was the statue of Jesus Christ. We landed at the airport at 7:30 am and exchanged all of our money at the customs place. A US dollar is worth about 2 reais so it isn't too hard to figure out. After arriving at the city we traveled to our hotel the Manga  Hostel which has had amazing reviews. We plan to stay in Brazil for 10 days in this hotel so we organized all our item. We will be leaving on July 16, 2014 with the same flights. I checked the weather forecast before we left and found out that Rio almost always hot and rainy, I guess its because were in the tropics. Then we rested for the remainder of the day after the long plane ride.
Christ the Redeemer statue as seen from our plane.