Monday, July 14, 2014

July 14: Museum of Modern Art

We all woke up late because we were recovering from the World Cup. It was SO amazing. There are a lot of drunk people wandering the streets after they have finished partying hard. We partied pretty hard last night too. We went around and looked in the shops for world cup apparel. We ate lunch at McDonald's (just to have a taste of home) then we went to the Museum of Modern Art. It is really cool. In the 1950s it was built on a plot of land given to an architect to build a new museum. It is mostly made out of concrete. It also has a lot of external pillars. Not only are these structural, they are also very cool to look at. It also frees the actual viewing room of obstructions. The museum also has some really cool exhibits. Here are some pictures of the museum:

After visiting the museum we headed over to a place to eat lunch and then went to the Teatro Municipal.

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