Thursday, July 10, 2014

July 10: Museum of Life (Rio)

Wow, today was such an interesting day! After eating breakfast we went to the Museum of Life in Rio! We heard tons of great reviews about it and it seems to be a lot like the Museum of Life here in North Carolina. They utilizes space, science, and society into the museum to make it an interesting place. They also try to teach technology, science, and health in a fun way for all people, young and old. The Museum of Life also has a Education Center. They are responsible for pedagogical orientation of the museums different visiting areas. They evaluate the education activities developed by the Museum. The Museum is also very kid friendly and has many programs for them like a park. We of course took full advantage of these things even though were all 21. After eating lunch there we stayed until closing time at 4 pm and returned to the hotel. As we were talking we remembered that there was a Rio movie and we really wanted to watch it again. For dinner we ordered room service and watched the movie Rio which brought back many memories and we even saw the Sugar Loaf Mountain in the beginning were we are going tomorrow!

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