Tuesday, July 15, 2014

July 15: Goodbye Brazil

The End :(

We were all reluctant to get up this morning. We are leaving for the States. Nobody wants to go back. After checking out of the hotel, we took a bus to the airport and got on the plane. It was basically just like the first flight to Brazil. Pretty routine. Joe got stopped at customs for trying to bring some fruit back in his suitcase. It was really funny. We got back into the US and we all said bye and drove home.

It's so sad that we have to leave Brazil. Looking back at it now, it was definitely the best experiences that any of us had ever had in our lives. That's saying quite a bit since we have gone to some exotic and exclusive places before. Every one of us cannot possibly think of as a better place to travel. There were some insane views, especially the ones at the Christ the Redeemer statue and the garden. Before, whenever our friends asked us for suggestions about where they should travel next, we would have to give it a good, long thought. That will no longer be the case as all of us will say Rio without a second thought. The bright cheeriness of the city and the cool sands of the beaches are second to none when it comes to relaxation. We highly recomend that you make you next vacation in Brazil! With 5.4 billion visitors each year you know its a great place to be. It's a shame that we only got to stay for ten days. But hey, at least we got to go to the best place on the entire earth!

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